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Good or Bad? How do you know?

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July 23, 2012
Posts: 3

PostPosted:     Post subject: Good or Bad? How do you know?
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This is my biggest problem. When I love something that I've written it turns out to be s---. When I'm uneasy about something, replot and rewrite and eventually give up on. It ends up being good when I come back to it.

Other than feeling something from what you're writing, i.e. laughing, crying, suspense, thinking.

How can you tell if it's good? If what you're doing isn't a completely worthless effort?

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Posted:     Post subject:

`First thing I have to ask is who tells you that it's s---?

When it comes to writing there are two ways of telling if it is good or not.

#1 technical ability, if you are writing in a particular style such as haiku or a particular poetry metre.
Then you must follow set rules and not to deviate at all.

#2 The most usual (and I assume what you are looking for) is opinion.
That varies obviously and the it depends on the reader.

Do you know what kind of audience you are writing for?
If you can make the reader feel or understand what you are saying then that is half the battle.

Myself I actually enjoy my own writing, I write for me to like.
If I don't like what I wrote I'll rewrite it, it's not a hassle just part of the creative process.

Would you mind sharing some of what you call the s--- stuff?
You can explain what's wring with it and why you don't like it.

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December 10, 2011
Posts: 6

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`If you write off the cuff, like i kinda do, sometimes in the heat of the moment it may look good to you, but then you regret posting it later. Had that. And to be honest, i think if it feels right to you, then do it anyway. Expression of self is what its all about. It doesnt always have to make sense to everyone. I have posted plenty of work and regretted it, but then i think yourself being the worst critic it not so bad. It makes you strive to work harder.

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